Rabu, 15 April 2009

Definisi dewasa

pendapat temen-temen tentang dewasa:

menurut mala:"dewasa tuh gak nyebut diri sendiri dewasa".
menurut suci:dewasa tuh bisa melakuakan sesuatu sesuai fungsi dan tempat
menurut solly:menanggapi sesuatu dengan bijaksana
menurut reny;dewasa tuh bukan radin dan slalu berpikir positif terhadap smua yang terjadi
menurut tyas:dewasa tuh menganggap smua yang sulit pasti ada jalan keluarnya
menurut meita;bisa menentukan mana yang baik dan yang benar
menurut dedy;seperti mbak"tiiiiit.."
menurut riska:bisa ngambil hikmah dari tiap masalah
menurut ima;mandiri,gak cengeng,slalu ada buat temen
menurut selly;bisa ninggalin sifat childist
menurut alif:berani pacaran,gak cengeng,bisa liat film"tiiiiiiiit........"
menurut theo:dewsa itu tau malu
menurut anita:dewasa tu gak nurut umur,yg penting adalah cara berfikir dan bisa bawa diri
menurut ganes;brani liat film "tiiiiiiiit...."
menurut bahtera:brani ngambil kputusan

me n mala..

wah...friendship never ending est cit...
i love u full est...
i always miss u foreva...

dalam hidup,kita harus berani melangkah dan mengambil keputusan..
hanya mereka yang berani mengambil resiko untuk melangkah lebih jauhlah yang akan mengetahui sejauh mana dia dapat melangkah( T.S.Eliot )

aq yakin 100% ama kamu,aku sayang banget ama kamu,
cuma kamu yang bisa ngerti aku,
meskipun aku nggak pernah bisa ngerti kamu sih?
thanks buat semuanya ya,,,

love u my bestfriend........


Malang “the aim city for people”
Malang is a beautiful city which is usually visited by Indonesian. This is in the plateau which is fresh in East Java province exactly in Indonesia. It is located in the South of Surabaya is about 90 km and its region was surrounded by Malang regency. Malang is also the second of the biggest city in East java.
Most of Malang’s people are Javaneses, they are so friendly. If they meet someone, they always smile and greet each other. Besides, they have good cooperation in doing something, such as cleaning their village and building the place for praying.
Malang has good scenery which makes the city interesting. It surrounded by some mountains, such as Arjuna Mountain is in the North, Semeru Mountain is in the east and Kelud Mountain is in the west. Moreover it has beautiful beaches, such as Bale Kambang beach and Sendang Biru beach. Bale Kambang beach has good panorama. We can see sunset by drinking young coconut ice. Furthermore, we can buy the original accessories of Bale Kambang. Differently, Sendang Biru is famous by boats and its fish market.
Malang is called Education city too. It caused of Malang city has many popular universities, such as Kanjuruhan university, Brawijaya University and Muhammadiyah University. Kanjuruhan University has the motto “Brilliant Bright Future”.After that, there is Muhammadiyah University which is famous in International; there are many students who are from out of Indonesia. Besides, the students are from different island. They are from Flores and Borneo.
There are also many tourism objects. For instance, it has shopping center, like malang town square and mall Olympic garden. Unfortunately, Mall Olympic Garden is bigger than Malang Town Square. Actually, it has famous tourism object, like Sengkaling and Jatim Park. Both of them have interesting games or playground for children.
This educational city has good football club. It is called Arema. Arema has many fans. They called their community “AREMANIA” for male and “Aremanita” for female. They are very attractive because they usually support their team by singing a special song of Arema. Moreover, they are so fanatic. Arema also has unique symbol .The symbol is a lion that hold ball and they called it “Singo Edan”. Most of the colors are blue.
This city is also called apple city. It caused of Malang is a city which is produced apple in the higher number and the various kind of apple, like Manalagi apple.
Finally, with its education and the unique characteristics of Malang, many people go there. The visitor not only from Indonesia but also there are many visitor are from the other country. They come to study in the university or they come only for spend their holiday in Malang city.

Pemain voli

my youniiiiiiiiiiiiii..............
aku ngfaaaaans bgt ama pmain voli yang satu ini,
gara-gara ngfans bisa jadi temenbaek,he..he..he..
minta tanda tangannya dunks...

prestasi yang pernah dicapai nech:
1.juara dua tingkat kecamatan bola voli SD th 2006
2.juara dua harapan voli tingkat provinsi POPDA sejatim SMP th 2006
3.juara voli harapan KEJURDA th 2007 sejatim di lumajang
4.juara satu voli17 august kecamatan purwosari th 2007
5.juara dua voli tingkat provinsi Popda rayon 3 th 2008 sejatim
6.juara satu voli 17 august kecamatan purwosari th 2008

menurutnya dewasa tuch:
suatu proses dimana seseorang itu bisa membedakan mana yangbaik dan buruk,bertanggung jawab,mau mengakui kesalahan yang sudah diperbuat,berani minta maaf,mampu bangkit dari kterpurukan dan berusaha jadi yang terbaik...

pucang rt 04/rw12 desa ngerong
kecamatan gempol kabupaten pasuruan

youni vitria nink_c yang lahir dipasuruan pada16 april 1991 ini doyan banget ama ayam panggang & sambel bajak,senenk warna blue n red,senenk banget ama drama asia yang romantic n lucuw,motto dalem hidupnya tuch:berdoa dan berusaha akan mendapatkan hasil yang takkan kita duga sebelumnya...

pesennya buatku:
hao pengyou...
kamu tu dalam bersikap uda dewasa tapi tingkah laku maci anak kecil...
kamu baek bgt ama aku,makacie temen curhatku...


“Meskipun kita memilih orang yang salah untuk kita cintai,
Meski keadaan kita setelah mencintainya salah,
Sehingga hanya memberi kita airmata dan luka,
Meskipun dia lebih memilih oranglain yang menurut kita juga salah,
Tapi yakinlah jika cinta kita tak pernah salah…”

lesson plan for first grade

Things in the classroom
Activities Materials
1. Opening/brain storming (5 minutes). Pictures.
2. Whilst (20 minutes). Pictures: table,
§ Singing together/giving rhyme. Chair, door, etc.
“That is a window.
And that is the door.
That is a blackboard.
And this is the door.”
§ Mention things in the classroom.
§ Showing the picture and ordering the student
to write the name of the things one by one.
§ Reading the name of things together by good
§ Spelling the word.
§ Games:
“who am I?”
I always stand up in the middle of the school
yard every Monday morning.
My color is red and white.
My first letter is “f”.
Who am I?
Answer: Flag.
§ Singing together again.
3. Closing (5 minutes).
Giving assignment / homework.
Coloring some pictures of the things in the classroom
And mention its name.

friendship never end

this is my memory when i studied in SMANESA,
i have friends who never leave me...
always care me..
they will be there for me...
supporting my dreams..
being my guardian angel when i need them...
they are my friend who never leave me alone..
and our friendship is never end,ever after,,,,

true friendship

she is my closed friend in senior high school,
our heart is so closed...
i can feel what she feel...
i enjoy every moment with her..
she respect me as her sister...
thanks for all of ur love cicit...

masjid allosaftiyah

jumat terindah dalam hidupku bareng anak-anak purwosari masjid allosaftiyah..

selasa(sebelas bahasa)

Aku tak dapat melakukan segalanya,
tapi aku dapat melakukan sesuatu.
dan aku tak dapat menolak untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bisa aku lakukan jika sesuatu itu bermanfaat untukku dan orang lain...

di sini aku temukan keluargaku saat aku baru mengenal apa itu cinta,persahabatan,pertemanan,kekeluargaan dan segalanya...
aku sangat mencintai keluarga kecilku ini,
sebelas bahasa... "ai shi teru..."

trimakasih atas segalanya ya....
luv u full...

lembayung bali..

Di kala jiwaku tak terbatas,
bebas berandai mengulang waktu...
Teman yang terhanyut arus waktu,
mekar mendewasa...
masih kusimpan suara tawa kita..
kembalilah sahabat lawasku,
semarakkan keheningan lubuk...
Hingga masih bisa kurangkul kalian..
sosok yang mengaliri cawan hidupku...
Bilakah kita menangis bersama,
tegar melawan tempaan,
semangatmu itu jingga..
Hingga masih bisa kujangkau cahaya,
senyum yang menyalakan hasrat diriku..
Bilakah kuhentikan pasir waktu,
tak terbangun dari khayal, 
keajaiban ini mimpi..
Andai ada satu caratuk kembali menatap agung surya-Mu..
Lembayung Bali....

cinta sejati...

Cinta hanya akan indah apabila berpondasikan kasih sang pencipta...
Karena Cinta berasal dari-Nya ...
Dan cinta yg paling utama adalah cinta kepada sang pencipta cinta...

zhu ni shing ri kuaile 2011

Assalamualaikum radin cayank..
H’pi b’day to radin..
Moga maikn cantik..
Tambah pinter,
Tambah imannya,
Tambah bakti ma ortu,
Wish u all de best,,
Ditunggu traktiranx..hehe..
12:27:47.1902011.nopia ulpa.

Met ulatah ya din...
Moga makin sipp...
Hepi b’day nenekku cayank..panjang umur,sehat,langsing..
Tambah dewasa,cepet nikah ambek jodohmu..
Sa’ karepe miliho dewe..hahags..
The best 4u wes..
Love u nek...

Buon compleano..
Moga sukses slalu ya?Allah bless u..
Umurmu smakin pendek,moga lbih baik dr kmrn ya?
05:40:49.19022011.resnu aldin R.A.
Met ulath din..
Hepi b’day to u..(5x)
Otanjyoubi omedetou gozaimasu..
Met ulatah..
Km harus lebih baik dr hari kemarin ya..
H’py b’day...
19:18:41.19022011.andrie pranowo.
Hepi b’day cantik..
Moga sehat n panjang umur slaluw ya?
Met ultah ya?
Moga smua harapan n impianmu tercapai.
Q berdoa agar smua hal yang baik akan hadir mengiringi hidupmu,
06:22:13.mery yoedistira.

happy b'day radin (2011)

19 feb 2011.
Aiyyy dokter kug yg imutz..
Wah gag krasa dokter da berumur 20 tahun..
Appy b’day ya dokter kug?
Moga sukses dalam kuliah,cinta n dalam hal apapun,
Pokoknya moga apa yang dokter pngen bisa terkabul.
Sukses slaluw yow...
00:05:55,19022011.novi maria.
Hapi b’day 2 u...(5x)
Hapi b’day to radin...
I will say congratulation to you,sister...
& i hope in the special day..
You become good, more better and will de best..
By amiens aja...
00:08:12,19022011.Galih ferdian amin.
H’py b’day prend..
Met ultah..
Moga apa yg diinginkan terkabul,amin...
H’pi b’day ya...
Sukses slaluw...
Hai.. oiaya tgl 19022011 ya?
Aq mw ucapin h’pi b’day bwt sobatq yg buaik bgt...
H’pi b’day yg ke 20th ya?
Moga sehat selalu n tambah dewasa!
Pokok’e otanjyoubi omedetou gozaimasu ya?
H’pi b;day...!!!
Saengil cuka khamnida.
Zum geburstag viel gluck.
H;pi b’day 2 u...
Met ultah ya sayang,
Moga km tambah dewasa,tmbah baik dr sebelumnya..
05:31:18.19022011.prisca aditya putrie:pi2k.
Met ultah mbk radin..
Paus terdampar..
Moga slalu dapet ridho dari Allah keinginannya pean.
Slalu sukses,sehat,tambah pinter..
05:34:09.19022011.nur halimah.

Diklat Garank

Diary...on Tuesday at 15.30,i get on together with my garank’s group cocaine in front of al-farabi mosque. I think that i haven’t friends in there.But,far of my mind. They are very kindly persons. They are shanty, hafid probolinggo-kraksan>, vivin, betty, siscaMalang>, erna , widi, cici.Hmm... They are not individuals as in my mind... they are so closely...

After it ,at Saturday morning, we get on together in aula kelurahan Bandung rejosari in front of kanjuruhan university. I leave of my boarding house at 6 o’clock in the morning. Diary...I never think that i will get punishment, yes.. i get it because the color’s of my shoes is blue, in fact the committee have rules that we must wear the black one. So... i get the punishment... diary i like this diklat so much, this moment is very interesting for me...so much...

At Sunday morning, we leave kanjuruhan university and go to purwodadi tropical garden. The committee orders us to sit in the park which full of mud. So, my trouser is so dirty with mud in bottom part. Ah... I don’t like the committee; we eat bread and drink just one gulp. They are so strange and i hate all of the committee except ida, she is my best friend...

Rabu, 01 April 2009

masa depanku...

setiap orang punya masalalu...
aku atau kamu pasti punya masalalu...
tapi itu cuma masalalu...
masa depanku itu kamu....
"moch ari sudarmono"